When you schedule an appointment with, in Southport, a divorce solicitor, he will guide you through each aspect of your case. An important aspect is finance. This includes aspects such as your house, your pension and your savings. All these are usually combined and then divided equally between you and your spouse. This is generally the starting point when it comes to finances in a divorce proceeding. It is, however, subject to change if either you or your spouse’s needs are significantly larger than the other’s. You will also need to make arrangements for the financial care and custody of your children. In order to proceed with a divorce, it has to be proved to the court that the marriage is irretrievably broken down. This can be based on a number of issues such as unreasonable behaviour, adultery, desertion and separation.
Our divorce solicitor in Southport can assist you through each aspect of the divorce. We aim to provide the best advice and guidance and will work with you to achieve the best possible outcomes for your case. If you need the legal assistance of a divorce solicitor, contact BPS Family Law. We aim to provide a service that ticks all the right boxes, ensuring a value for money service. Additionally, we offer a range of payment options including a fixed fee, structured payments, and payment at the end of your case. You can trust that you are in safe hands with our divorce solicitor.