Beginners Guide to Divorce
The Steps Involved
This can be based upon one of five facts:
- That the Respondent has behaved unreasonably;
- That the parties have been separated for two years and both consent to the divorce;
- That the parties have been separated for five years (no consent is required);
- That the Respondent has committed adultery; or
- That the Respondent has deserted the Petitioner for two years or more.
The petition then gets sent to the Respondent and they fill in a form to acknowledge that they have received it. This is also their opportunity to say whether they contest divorce (the vast majority are uncontested).
After this, the Court is ready to pronounce the Decree Nisi. This is the first stage in your divorce and essentially means that the Court doesn’t see any reason why you can’t get a divorce.
You must then wait six weeks and one day to apply for the final stage – the Decree Absolute. Once the Court award this it means you are divorced.
The Finances
What happens at Court?
1. First Appointment
2. Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR)
3. Final Hearing
If you would like to seek further advice on family law..
Please call BPS Family Law on 0161 926 1430 and we’d be happy to help.