Civil Partnerships

Civil Partnerships

Ending a civil partnership has many similarities with ending a marriage. Rather than a divorce, it is called ‘dissolution’. First your solicitor will file a dissolution petition with the Court, which will need to show that your relationship has irretrievably broken down.

There are four grounds for ending the civil partnership:

  1. Your partner has behaved unreasonably;
  2. You have been separated for two years and both consent to the separation;
  3. You have been separated for five years (no consent is required); or
  4. Your partner has deserted you for two years or more.

You will then need to apply for a conditional order, which means that the Court sees no reasons why your civil partnership cannot be dissolved. After six weeks, you can then apply to Court for a final order. This document legally ends your civil partnership. The Courts will deal with finances upon dissolution of a civil partnership in the same way as a divorce. Please see our various information pages on Financial Disclosure, Orders and Settlements for more information.

If you would like to seek further advice on family law..

Please call BPS Family Law on 0161 926 1430 and we’d be happy to help.