
Divorce Lawyer in Alderley Edge

BPS Family Law – Support and reassurance when you need it most.It is sad when a family separates but to ensure that you get through the ordeal intact you’ll need to have the best divorce lawyer in Alderley Edge. It can be very hard to decide to get a divorce but it is often the only solution to bring back harmony to the family. Our divorce solicitors have over 60 years of experience between them and have handled innumerable divorce cases in our area. We have the compassion and expertise to guide families through this turbulent time. Our divorce solicitors are committed to offering a personal service to each and every client.

After many years of marriage there are many things in spouse’s lives that are interwoven. In Alderley Edge, divorce lawyer experience and knowledge will help to unravel the financial and material aspects of the marriage. To move on with life successfully after a divorce you need to know that the law has safeguarded the childrens rights. All any parent wants is to know that their children are being looked after well and are healthy and happy. Financial care of the children and big decisions about their lives needs to be made by both parents.

We are known for having the best divorce lawyer in Alderley Edge. Our lawyers are caring and will help you through the difficult time ahead. Contact BPS Family Law for any legal problem involving the family. We advise clients on the grounds for divorce as it can be tricky. There are a number of conditions that must be met to ensure a successful divorce case. One of the grounds is adultery, where one of the partners has had an affair. If there is no evidence and they refuse to admit to it you can use the most common ground which is unreasonable behaviour. This is a wide scope and examples of unreasonable behaviour can be domestic violence, emotional abuse, financial control or lack of emotional support among other reasons. The examples do not have to be severe especially if children are involved.
