
Family Solicitor in Stockton Heath

Family Solicitor in Stockton HeathAlthough families see each other through thick and thin, more often than not legal issues arise that require a family solicitor in Stockton Heath to step in. Solicitors are there to ensure fairness and resolve conflicts between families. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome as a family is often divorce. It has emotional, financial and legal implications that not only affect the divorcing partners but also the children. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in marriages they want to leave due to a poor understanding of how divorce works. Divorce is equally as hard as preparing for a wedding if not harder. A lot of thought and paperwork goes into the entire process. We offer beginners guide to divorce to help all our clients to make the right moves.

The hallmark of a divorce process is the grounds for the divorce. In Stockton Heath, a family solicitor takes up the task of proving that your marriage is irretrievably broken down. Several reasons can be taken as grounds for divorce. They range from adultery and desertion to unreasonable behaviour. To commence divorce proceedings, your marriage must have lasted at least one year.  Therefore, you can be separated but not eligible for divorce. Our solicitors ensure everything runs smoothly once the divorce proceedings begin. We do a thorough job to see through your decision to exit a marriage. Child custody is a huge issue associated with separation or divorce. At BPS Family Law we are keen to ensure you get involved in your child’s upbringing. We are experienced in dealing with a wide range of issues involving child custody. No matter the situation, children should be handled with caution and we are good at that

Aside from divorce and child custody, a family solicitor in Stockton Heath can be of service in other legal situations. At BPS Family Law we handle financial disclosures, pre-nuptial agreements, injunctions and grandparents rights. Our experience is unparalleled with a history stretching to over six decades. Our rates are friendly and payments can be made in batches. Contact us today and get the best legal representation and advice. We can assist you when it comes to family law.
