
Child Solicitor in Stockton Heath

Child Solicitor in Stockton HeathDuring a family crisis, it’s important to get the right advice from a top-quality child solicitor in Stockton Heath. At BPS Family Law, we offer confidential, expert legal services tailored to meet your unique needs, preferences and budget. Our offices located in London, Manchester, Hale and Stockton Heath provide professional assistance to clients in issues such as matrimonial finance, child-related disputes, divorce and separation, pre-nuptial arrangements, cohabitation disputes, enforcement of court orders, inquests, probates and wills, court protection, and power of attorney. We are proud of our reputation for discreet, practical, client-oriented advocacy, built over the last 80 years.

Being a local firm, we help clients to deal with issues immediately and conveniently. In Stockton Heath, child solicitor services may be required in cases where the parents decide to get a divorce or there are issues of safety and rights involving minor children, child services, custody, access, and support. Children Panel lawyers are well-versed in family law and can provide useful inputs in case of parental disputes. In some cases, if the child has a disability and needs to access disability services that he or she is entitled to, an experienced legal professional can help with the right advice and assistance. In Stockton Heath, child solicitor services from BPS Family Law ensure that every child we represent gets the respect, compassion and the best legal support available. We can also help adults whose children have been taken into care or who are deemed to be “at risk.”

In case Social Services is involved, it’s important to seek advice from a competent and reliable child solicitor in Stockton Heath. When you need an experienced child solicitor, contact BPS Family Law. We can liaise with Social Services, guide parents through the process and represent them at all meetings and conferences. The threat of having one’s child taken away and put into care can be a traumatic experience for parents and unless you get the right advice, it could be disastrous for you and your child. If you miss any deadlines or meetings, Social Services could go ahead and make certain decisions in your absence. That is why it’s crucial that you seek expert representation.
