Our clients at BPS Family Law often choose us as their child solicitor in Stockton Heath because they want to make sure the kids are okay. We have over 60 years of experience in family law and here’s what we know; a conflicted home is unhealthy for children and sometimes divorce is the best choice. Children are resilient but the outcome for children of divorce rests with the parents just as it does for children whose parents are not divorced. As parents, you know your child and what is best for him or her. Ideally, the parents will put aside their personal animosity and co-parent their child with as little disruption as possible. Unfortunately, that is not always possible and a child solicitor is necessary to protect the rights of the child.
BPS Family Law is here to protect your rights and assure that you and your children receive the best outcome for their well being. In Stockton Heath, child solicitor services may be required In a contentious divorce. One partner may make threats to take the children away or refuse to honour the custody agreement. The custodial parent may not be receiving court ordered support payments. There are many issues that may arise during separation and after a divorce is completed regarding the rights of children or one parent. At these times you need a compassionate advocate reminding you of your rights, the laws that are protecting you and your children and ensuring that violations are brought to the attention of the courts.
When parents, in the turmoil of a divorce, cannot resolve disputes regarding their children, a child solicitor in Stockton Heath must represent the child’s best interest before the court. BPS Family Law is here to advocate for you and protect your rights and that of your children. Contact BPS Family Law and make an appointment to consult with our child solicitor at any time your custody agreement is violated or no longer workable. We can help when you feel your child’s best interests are not being served. We are respected professionals with a history of success and a reputation for going all out for our clients.