As a successful divorce lawyer in Northwich we know the laws inside out and backward. But just as importantly we are familiar with the nuances of the law. We possess skills that make the subtleties of the laws work for our clients. They were gained through a tremendous amount of experience in that area.; both on our own and by observation. When that knowledge, skill and experience is combined with empathy for our clients situation, you have the successful divorce lawyers of BPS Family Law. Empathy makes it personal and as people, we always do better when we take it personally. When our family law firm represents your interests, we are focused on what a successful divorce looks like to you. You lay out the goal to be achieved.
Some divorces are not at all contentious and others are highly charged emotionally. In Northwich, divorce lawyers at BPS find that most fall somewhere in the middle. The things that matter most to each partner in marriage and divorce is usually children, houses and cash assets. Most require careful negotiation and compromise. We work diligently to insure the result is how you imagined it would be. However, for the children, we strongly encourage each couple to find a workable solution. Child custody is separate from divorce proceedings so unless there is cause for concern the best solution is usually forged by the parents. They are most in tune with the individual needs of each child.
Our firm has been serving families for sixty-five years as family and divorce lawyer in Northwich. We assure you, we will represent your rights 110% in a divorce court. We see that restraining orders are issued, child visitation is suspended, domestic abuse charges brought, and orders to vacate the family home when unreasonable behavior is present. Your safety and that of your children come first when divorce is contentious. Contact BPS Family Law today and let us put our skills and experience to work protecting your rights and representing your best interest in your divorce proceedings. We like to work quickly whenever possible because that is best for everybody. If divorce proceedings are drawn out unnecessarily, it won’t be our doing.